Thursday, October 31, 2013

Right Field Sign Mocked Up At Wrigley - Lawsuits To Follow

The Cubs mocked up their "Wrigley Field" sign briefly yesterday - just long enough to get the talk of lawsuits going.

I guess the point of the exercise was to show rooftop owners that this new sign wouldn't block their precious view. I couldn't tell that from the street, but I do know a few things: 1) It's giant. B) It sticks out into the street a ton and 3) It isn't going to say "Wrigley Field". Come on, we all know it's gonna say Budweiser.

Later on, I saw this image via @DNAinfoCHI...
This is the view the rooftop owners want everyone to see.

Who knows if this was actually taken from the top of the roof, and who knows if it was shot before the letters were where they are going to go. All I know is: lawsuits are a-comin and this is the photo the roofies are going to use to prove their point.

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